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The Book


The Iron Rich Foods book is expected in late 2012, but you can get access to the information in a handy video course now, for a discount price. When the book is published, you will receive a digital copy for free with any updated material.

We have priced these products at our cost to help you meet your needs. We can wait for a turn in the economy to make a profit, but your health can’t wait.

Read the philosophy of the book below and discover the benefits of the digital report and video course.

Digital Report/Book

Digital Report/Book Plus Video Course

  • Immediate digital download, PDF file (updated when the book is published)
  • 58 pages
  • 32 graphic displays from scientific studies
  • 19 recipes and preparation processes
  • View the Table of Contents.
  • View Sample Pages.


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  • The Iron Rich Foods digital report.
  • 16 videos
  • 82 minutes of total video running time.
  • Watch online, whenever and as often as you like.
  • View the Video Modules List for a more detailed description.
  • View a Sample Video.
  • Take the online video course at your convenience, in the privacy of your own home.


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Iron Deficiency Causes Birth Defects In Babies…
Heart Arrhythmias, Heart Murmurs, And Heart Failure…
Extreme Exhaustion, Depression, And More

Food manufacturers are protecting you,
your babies, your heart, and your brain
by sprinkling and spraying tiny pieces of iron into your food in their factories.

I believe your life is too important to rely on factories for your health.
If you do too, read this story carefully.

Dear Friend,

Before you make some of the same costly mistakes I have made, consider my story.

In 2002 I put my newborn son Frederick down to a nap and retreated into a quiet corner. I sat and cried. I had a severe case of depression in pregnancy and after, known as “postpartum depression.”

I struggled for nearly eighteen months before a friend of mine suggested that nutrition might help me climb out of the deep pit I was in. That friend was absolutely right and she saved me many more years of pain.

Out of the struggle with depression, I wrote a book called Rebuild From Depression: A Nutrient Guide because I was frustrated that it took me so long to realize how important nutrition is. I have a Ph.D. and I responded to my own pain with research and I put that research in a book.

A woman named Jennifer read my book some years back and Jennifer was skeptical about the whole business. How could something as basic as food cause so much pain? I encouraged Jennifer to find a doctor who could give her the one-on-one help that she needed. She went to that doctor and after about two months she sent me a note:

“My B-6 and zinc levels are already increasing after 2.5 months. I had severe [iron deficiency] anemia and someone who I had not seen in a few months looked at me and said ‘You have color in your face, my dear.’”

Jennifer went on to recover well after a severe case of depression, depression in part caused by an iron deficiency.

Around the same time as Jennifer’s struggle, research was being published on postpartum depression and iron deficiencies, but not many of us regular people knew about it.

In fact, low iron can cause a lot of symptoms, some inconvenient and some extremely painful. Low iron can cause birth defects in babies and it can affect your heart health. It can make your fingernails funky and spoon-shaped.

Low iron is associated with that bone-tired exhaustion that never seems to go away.

There are many researchers concerned about low iron and they have solutions for you in the book stacks of your university library. That is where I found solutions after my first pregnancy.

Life Can Be “Normal”
(Or How We Had A Second Baby)

My husband and I always wanted a second baby but I was scared to death to try it again. I knew that I was likely to have severe depression the second time around. That just tends to be the way it goes with postpartum depression and I knew I could not face such darkness again.

When my son was six, I was surprised to find myself pregnant again.

I had our second son just before Christmas in 2008. I held him and savored every incredible moment of those newborn days. I sat in my house, holding court for weeks, snuggling him on my lap and enjoying friends who stopped by to see him. It was a wonderful time in our household with our second baby.

There are many things I did differently in my second pregnancy (and that is a story I tell in detail elsewhere). One of the most important things I did was that I entered my pregnancy with the nutrition my growing baby needed.

I gave my body what it needed and my brain stayed healthy.

I learned the hard way that you will be stronger, healthier, and have far more energy if you give your body the nutrition it needs.

Would You Benefit From More Iron?

Are you among the 10% of young women who suffer from low iron? Are you a parent to the 10% of children who suffer? If so, consider these questions:

  • Have you felt so tired, even “bone-tired” but you don’t know why?

  • When you are “out and about,” do you see those people with a spring in their step and want to have that same energy?
  • Have you watched parents on a playground, running and chasing children, playing ball and hide-and-go-seek, and longed to have the energy to do so too?
  • If you are like me and had a lot of energy when you were younger, do you wish you could recapture just a bit of that?
  • Have you wondered if your own child has an iron deficiency? Maybe you are here because your child does and you want her to grow up to be as healthy as possible.
  • Do you and your family eat high iron foods and still struggle with exhaustion and other symptoms of low iron?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then there is a great deal of hope that your life is about to change. Let me explain.

Why Is Iron Deficiency So Common?
(You Have Probably *Never* Heard This Reason)

Do you realize that garden product (basic fruits and vegetables that we buy at the market) has 15% less iron now than it did in the 1940s?

The iron content of vegetables has declined in the last 80 years by 15%.

I was nearly blown out of my chair when I discovered this data at a food science library. I was reading a 2005 study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin.

Those researchers discovered that small fruits and vegetable crops like broccoli, carrots, and mustard greens have 15% less iron today than they did 80 years ago.

When grandma cooked up her broccoli, collard greens, or eggplant, she fed her family food higher in iron than you eat today, even if you cook collard greens in your own kitchen like grandma used to do.

Food Manufacturers Also Remove Iron From Our Food
And Replace It With Iron Shavings

We all love white flour products. Baked goods made from white flour are light, fluffy, and oh-so-tasty, but it is the “brown part” of the grain that has the iron.

White flour is easier to bake with and we love to eat it, so bread manufacturers make bread with white flour. They remove the iron portion of the grain and then use the rest to make your bread. Go into a grocery store right now, look at the label on the bread, and find that the first ingredient is not “whole wheat” (or any “whole” grain for that matter). The main ingredient of most breads is white flour, even if the bread looks brown.

The iron in the grain gets removed from the flour before the bread is even baked.

The last thing bread factories need is a bunch of pale, exhausted iron-deficient people complaining about their bad health, so bread factories then sprinkle or spray some iron into the bread.

In an hour from now when you are reading my book on Iron Rich Foods, you will discover why adding iron to flour in bread manufacturing is a really bad way to get iron from your food into your blood, where you need it.

In fact, you are going to discover in the book what delectable bread you can buy that is naturally iron-rich.

With Less Iron In Broccoli And Bread,
Food Factories Sprinkle Iron Shavings In Cereal

Our government officials are deeply concerned that we do not get enough iron in our foods. The government knows that you can end up with heart problems and babies with birth defects from iron deficiency.

All over the world, governments are adding iron to foods.

In the United States, iron is added to boxed cereals, infant formulas, and many other foods.

When I say “iron is added to your cereal,” I mean “iron,” the metal we use for gates, pipes, and more. Iron is iron, be it on a gate or in your cereal.

When broccoli is growing, it takes in tiny particles of the iron through its roots. You eat that iron when you eat the broccoli. But, remember, that broccoli is taking in 15% less iron than it did in 1940. To make up for the iron that should have been in your broccoli, tiny shavings of iron are added to your cereal.

Adding iron to your cereal seems like a really smart idea until you look at the whole picture.

What do you eat with your boxed cereal? My guess is that you have milk with your cereal. You are about to learn from the Iron Rich Foods book that because you add milk to your cereal, you are going to absorb about 60% less iron from the cereal.

You could eat two bowls of cereal to get your iron and probably gain a few pounds at the same time.

You could eat your boxed cereal dry, without milk.

Better yet, you can discover a smarter iron-rich breakfast in the Iron Rich Foods book.

Why Do Governments Add Iron Pieces To Your Food?

Governments add iron pieces to your food, but they do not have to. Governments could give you an Iron Rich Foods book so that you could pull yourself up by your bootstraps and improve your own health.

But governments add iron pieces to your food because they do not believe that you can improve your own situation. You need help and you need that help in a box because it is the only way it sees to help you out.

I am here to say that the box does not offer your best solution.

I happen to know that many people like you are looking for more than boxed food with iron pieces.

In 2006 I placed an iron rich foods report on my popular depression website. Thousands of people read the report and made positive changes in their shopping and even in their cooking to improve their iron levels. Their interest inspired the entire dailyiron.net website which is now the highest trafficked website on the Internet devoted to the topic of iron in food.

When you are reading the Iron Rich Foods book, you will see how easy many of the changes are. Many of the changes are “tweaks.”

You Have Far Better Options Than Food With Iron Shavings

Don’t you get frustrated when you spin your wheels trying to better your situation, only to find out that a simple solution was right in front of you?

That is the way I felt sitting in a university library reading studies of iron in food. There are so many ways we can improve the iron in our diets. There is a treasure trove in our university libraries that can help us live better, but most of us never see it.

When I was getting my Ph.D. in political science, I talked to Ralph Nader (America’s most diligent consumer advocate) about the problem of communicating findings in political science to people who could use the information in real life. I remembered Ralph Nader as I discovered right there in that university library the many amazing scientific findings on how we can better bake bread, cook breakfast cereal, and make vegetable juice.

Did you know that sourdough bread, that mouth-watering, delectable bread, is the best bread to eat to improve your iron level? That is why I was so excited in the university library: sourdough is not only incredibly tasty, it is iron-rich too. When you are reading the Iron Rich Foods book, you will see why sourdough is such a great choice.

You have far more control over your iron levels than you may have ever imagined. That is why I got so excited at the library.

Am I Trying To Turn You Into “Ma Ingalls”?

You may be thinking that since I mentioned sourdough bread, that I am going to make you learn to bake sourdough bread and turn you into Ma Ingalls.

“Ma Ingalls” is the mother from “Little House On The Prairie,” a book on the 1870s westward movement in America. Ma Ingalls cooked from scratch because she had no other choice.

You do have a choice. You are about to discover what foods you should eat and then you can buy those foods if you do not cook.

You do not have to cook one item and you can still have a powerful impact on your iron status.

If you do cook and hope to cook more strategically, you will get a wealth of information from the Iron Rich Foods book on how to do just that.

Think About “Ma Ingalls” Another Way

None of us really want to be “Ma Ingalls.”

Life was hard on the prairie. Ma Ingalls swept her dirt floors, kept her wood stove loaded with wood, fed chickens, kept a garden, and canned her garden produce. She faced droughts and locusts and had to adapt to the hardships. During all of this, she cooked every meal from scratch.

Ma Ingalls used cooking short cuts because she was busy. We tend to forget this point and think of Ma Ingalls toiling in the kitchen. Ma Ingalls was toiling all over her homestead and she needed shortcuts in the kitchen.

What amazes me is that those shortcuts Ma Ingalls used in cooking all that food actually helped her get more iron out of her food.

You can use the same short cuts that Ma Ingalls used.

  • Ma Ingalls did not have “quick oats” but had to turn out breakfast fast anyway. In this course, learn why you do not need to buy “quick oats” to have quick morning oatmeal. Enjoy whole oats quickly and unlock the iron at the same time.
  • Ma Ingalls cooked her beans slowly on her wood stove all day long. You don’t have to cook beans on a wood stove, but you can use my method that makes up for the lack of a wood stove, makes cooking beans easy, and unlocks their iron as a bonus.
  • Ma Ingalls did not have time to knead bread and she didn’t have to. You do not have to become a baker if you sign up for this class, but if you do want to bake, you do not have to knead. The curriculum is 100% knead-free — who has time to knead? (OK, so we added one kneading recipe, but it’s easy.)
  • Ma Ingalls fermented her garden produce because she had to, lest Laura, Mary, Carrie, and Baby Grace have nothing to eat in the winter. You have a choice and can learn some dead-simple ways to preserve your food and unlock their iron at the same time. You can also learn how to buy some killer fermented foods.

Beyond Ma Ingalls: We Have More Options

Ma Ingalls did not have as many options as we have today. The Iron Rich Foods book and curriculum takes the research from food science, the best of traditional food preparation, and the shopping opportunities we have in our modern grocery stores to create options for us that far transcend iron filings in a box. You will learn:

  • The best vegetarian, iron-rich breakfast you can craft, in three great flavor combinations.
  • How to cook beans to unlock their iron without locking out their flavor.
  • Whether the fancy “sprouted grain” bread available at health food stores is worth the money.
  • How to prepare hot breakfast cereal to create a quick and tasty breakfast.
  • How to sneak 100% whole grain flour into your recipes, adding extra iron and unlocking it at the same time.
  • How to make killer sweat breads like banana, zucchini, pumpkin, and applesauce bread in 100% whole grain, both tasty an iron-rich at the same time.
  • How much iron you can unlock by sprouting beans.
  • How much your morning coffee impacts your iron absorption.
  • How much your evening red wine impacts your iron absorption.
  • The one drink your child may be drinking that is wreaking havoc on his or her iron levels.
  • How to drink what you want and continue to absorb iron well (because of your knowledge of the food science behind it).
  • Why “soaking grains” for hot breakfast cereal is a great idea.
  • Why “soaking grains” for bread making is a hassle and makes soggy bread.
  • What one thing many people add to “soaked grain” recipes that actually defeats the purpose (and yet is recommended by Internet gurus).
  • The single best way to prepare vegetable juices to skyrocket your iron absorption from them.
  • The best appliance you can add to your kitchen should you choose.
  • Choose the best flour — flour that is high in iron and flour that lets you unlock its iron.
  • Unlock the iron in your breakfast by choosing the best grains and cooking them with our rogue techniques.
  • Learn what to add to your breakfast to double your iron absorption. (Learn what to avoid to improve your absorption more.)
  • Find vegetables and fruits just ripe enough to help unlock the iron in your grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

—> You do not need special equipment or supplies.

The techniques in the curriculum are rogue kitchen techniques that cost you nothing and take little time. In many cases you will save time by implementing these techniques if you are already cooking your own food.

  • Take the course today. Begin unlocking your iron tonight. It is that simple.

  • Learn how you can make sourdough bread and eat it tonight, not in a week.

Scientific Basis

The materials in this curriculum come right out of the peer-reviewed scientific literature in the fields of food science and nutrition. The curriculum creates a user-friendly context for you to understand this literature, for instance at what temperature to soak your beans. (The graph at right is an example of one of 32 graphs in the book to help you understand the science behind it.)

  • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • Journal of Nutrition
  • Journal of Food Science and Technology
  • Food Microbiology
  • Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • Cereal Chemistry
  • Journal of Food Science
  • Journal of Food Engineering
  • Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry
  • Journal of the American Dietetic Association
  • Food Chemistry
  • Pediatric Research

If you have access to these journals, you can do a literature search and discover the techniques for yourself. Alternatively, you can spend a little bit of money on this package and immediately access this research, synthesized in a user-friendly way.

Spring In Your Step

When you do not have enough energy to get out of a chair and walk across the room or to play with your children, it is hard to imagine reading anything and making improvements at the same time. The fact of the matter is that low iron levels are absolutely fixable and the symptoms of iron deficiency can be reversed in weeks. You need not suffer forever from a lack of energy, from a pale and lifeless complexion, and from funky, curled fingernails. Life really can be a whole lot easier.

This curriculum is for you if:

  • Your doctor has told you that you are low in iron and you need to add iron rich foods to your diet.

  • You have struggled all your life with low iron.
  • Your child is low in iron and you are trying to tackle the problem at its very root.
  • You are bone-tired and want to regain your energy by improving the iron content of your diet.
  • You are a vegetarian and are seeking to unlock the iron in your plant-based foods.
  • You eat meat and want to eat a little more strategically.
  • You are gluten-free and want to prepare your gluten-free foods more strategically.
  • You do not have a lot of time and you need to make changes slowly.

If you are one of those people who walks down the street with a little SKIP in your step because your abundant levels of energy, you may not need this product. If you are THAT PERSON playing with your children in the park, swinging on the jungle gym, and crawling through the play structures, you may not need this product.

If you are satisfied by all of the iron rich foods lists available on the Internet that SIMPLY give you a list of foods and their iron content, then this course is not for you. This course DIGS DEEP into food science rather than stopping at the simple iron content of food. It explores in detail how to unlock the iron in your food.

Money Back Guarantee I am confident that you are going to receive great value from the book and the video curriculum, Iron Rich Foods: Unlock The Iron In Your Food and Fight Iron Deficiency. However, if for any reason you feel that this course has not provided you with value, just email me within 10 days of purchase and I will give you a full refund — no questions asked.

I’ll talk to you again soon.


Amanda Rose, Ph.D.

P.S. Sadly, it is easy to go for years with a mild iron deficiency, not so bad that doctors are hounding you, but bad enough that you cannot live with the vitality, zest, and pizzazz that you deserve. Cooking and eating more strategically is a small price to pay to regain your energy (especially since you’re going to learn to make cooking easier). This curriculum will help you learn to do just that — cook and eat strategically to unlock the iron in your food and build your iron status. I personally guarantee it.

Here’s What You Will Get With Your Purchase

In a few minutes while reading the Iron Rich Foods book, you will see that you can also buy a set of videos to complement the book. The videos are short and to the point. They do not waste your time with fluff. You can also pick and choose which ones to watch depending on what interests you. You will receive the book immediately through a digital delivery but we will then create login information for you to access the videos if you buy them. You will be able to leave comments and get feedback while watching the videos if that is helpful to you. If you do cook your own food, I strongly encourage you to buy the video package since I provide demonstrations of cooking techniques on those videos.

Digital Report

Digital Report Plus Video Course

  • Immediate digital download, PDF file (updated when the book is published)
  • 58 pages
  • 32 graphic displays from scientific studies
  • 19 recipes and preparation processes
  • View the Table of Contents.
  • View Sample Pages.


  • The Iron Rich Foods book.
  • 16 videos
  • 82 minutes of total video running time.
  • Watch online, whenever and as often as you like.
  • View the Video Modules List for a more detailed description.
  • View a Sample Video.
  • Take the online video course at your convenience, in the privacy of your own home.


Book Plus Video Special Price

—> $24.97 <—

Watch A Free Sample Of The Curriculum

Here’s What Others Say About The Program

Dr. Rose’s easygoing real-life kitchen approach has disarmed my excuse that it’s “too much work”—to the contrary, I learned that soaking my grains makes breakfast faster and less hassle in the morning! Excellent scientific study provides the substance, but a “little of this and a pinch of that” methodology provides the inspiration to adopt these simple food preparation practices into my already-busy life. I’m now providing better nutrition for my family while saving time over the stove top!”

Pantry Paratus, Inc.

