Pecans contain 2.5 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. Grams is a measure of weight. To put 100 grams in perspective, consider alternative measures for this food:
- 1 cup equals 109 grams.
- 1 cup equals 99 grams.
In the category of nuts and seeds, we included whole nut and seed products in the Top 10 list. Foods may be fortified with iron but are not included in this Top 10 list.The food tested for the particular graph below can be described more specifically as:
Nuts, pecans
Read more about iron in nuts and seeds or visit our iron-rich foods list.
Pecans and Iron Content
Pecans are a tasty source of iron providing in one cup about fifteen percent of the daily iron for a woman aged twenty to forty. Pecans do contain iron inhibitors, however, which will reduce your absorption of all of that iron, as do all nuts. Cooking the pecans will help reduce the iron inhibitors (notably phytic acid). You can also use the soaking techniques we describe in the Iron Rich Foods book to reduce the phytic acid in pecans even further. To some degree you can also counteract the inhibiting effects of phytic acid by consuming a high vitamin C food along with the pecans. Mango and papaya go exceptionally well with pecan and will help you absorb more iron in the pecans.
For more information on the iron content of your favorite foods, use the search function on this website. This site is based on the food nutrient database compiled by the USDA of over seven thousand foods.